- Teaching
- Graduate Support
- Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg
- Who was Ludwig Rosenberg
- Konstantin Baehrens
- Claudia Boujeddayn (completed)
- Christoph Gollasch
- Anna Junge (associated)
- Anja Jungfer
- Enrico Rosso (associated)
- Jakob Stürmann (completed)
- Ania Szyba
- Nicos Tzanakis Papadakis (completed)
- Shmuel Vardi
- Sebastian Venske, geb. Kunze (associated)
- Frank Voigt (completed)
- Doktorand*Innen
Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg
The Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg (LRK) is an interdisciplinary research training group of the Hans Böckler Foundation (HBS) and the Moses Mendelssohn Center Potsdam (MMZ), which is dedicated to the historical relationship between Judaism and the workers' movement in modern times. Who was Ludwig Rosenberg...
Excellent dissertation projects are being developed at the LRK dealing with Jewish, national-Jewish or Jewish-influenced forms of the workers' movement. In addition to the involvement of Jews and people of Jewish origin in the organizational and theoretical development of the workers' movement, we are also interested in the discourses on the "Jewish question" that grew out of the workers' movement and the hostility towards Jews that was often associated with it. Thus, one focus of the LRK deals with the question of the factors through which actors of the workers' movement, for example in the form of a simplified critique of capitalism, encouraged antisemitism.