Nina Zellerhoff

Research Associate
2010-2013: Study of Museum Studies at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (B.A.).
2011: Awarded the Hans Frankenthal Prize of the Auschwitz Committee Foundation for the research project "Heideruh".
2013-2016: Study of European Cultural History at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (M.A.)
2016: Research assistant at the Institute for the History of German Jews, Hamburg in the DFG-funded project "Key Documents on German-Jewish History", among others.
2017-2019: Scientific traineeship at the Topography of Terror Foundation, Berlin
2018-2019: Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin
2019-2021: Director's Assistant at the Topography of Terror Foundation, Berlin
2021: Project manager at Tempelhof Projekt GmbH, Berlin; focus: remembrance cultural projects
Since 2021: Research assistant at the Moses Mendelssohn Center
Co-director of the editorial department "Digitales" and editorial assistant at "Medaon - Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung" (Magazine for Jewish Life in Research and Education)
Member of the Association of Historians in Germany (VHD)