Prof. Dr. Miriam Rürup

Phone: +49-331-28094-0Fax: +49-331-28094-50
Born 1973 in Karlsruhe, Germany
1992/93-1999 Studies of Medieval and Modern History, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology at the Universities of Göttingen and Tel Aviv
1997-2001 Research Fellow at the „Topography of Terror“ Foundation, Berlin
2000 Magistra Artium (M.A.) in Modern History and Contemporary History, Sociology and European Ethnology at the Technical University of Berlin
2001-2002 Research Fellow at Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
2002-2004 Doctoral Fellow at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History, Leipzig, Germany
2007 Dr. phil., Technical University of Berlin Dissertation, History „Deutsche Studenten – Jüdische Juden. Jüdische Studentenverbindungen an deutschen Universitäten 1886 bis 1937“
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Benz (Centre for Anti-Semitism Research at the Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Dan Diner (Simon Dubnow Institut, Leipzig), published in 2008 under the title
„Ehrensache. Jüdische Studentenverbindungen an deutschen Universitäten (1886-1933)“, Wallstein Verlag Göttingen.
2006 – 2007 Postdoctoral Fellow and Coordinator at DFG-Graduate School (Graduiertenkolleg) “History of Generations“, University of Göttingen, Germany
2007-2010 Assistant Professor (Assistenz) with Prof. Bernd Weisbrod, History Department, University of Göttingen, Germany
2010-2012 Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute (DHI) in Washington, D.C. (USA)
2012-2020 Director of the Institute for the History of German Jews in Hamburg (IGdJ)
Since December 2020, Director of the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies
Research Areas and Topics:
German-Jewish History of the 19th and 20th Century, German contemporary history with an emphasis on history of National Socialism and Memorial Culture, women and gender history, history of the law and human rights and migration history (esp. statelessness in Europe in Postwar Europe), with a strong interest in diaspora cultures
Jewish Memorial Culture – Repercussions of the National Socialist Era in the Discourse on Jewish Heritage
Non-University Activities
Miriam Rürup is co-editor of the academic journals WerkstattGeschichte (since 2002), Aschkenas (since 2013) and the founding editor of the online source edition “Key Documents on German-Jewish History.” Since 2014 she is also member of the advisory board of the Leo Baeck Yearbook. She also works as Review Editor for Jewish History for Online-Forum and Mailing List H-Soz-u-Kult. And she serves on the advisory board of the Historische Zeitschrift and Chilufim.
She is also a member of the Bergen-Belsen International Advisory Board, the Board of Directors of the German-Israeli Foundation, the chairwoman of the Advisory Board Memorial Centrum Judaicum Foundation, Berlin, member of the Comittee of Experts, Memorial Site of former Concentration Camp Neuengamme and of the Foundation of Memorials of Lower Saxony . She is also on the Academic Advisory Board of the Minerva Institute for Germans History at Tel Aviv University. Since January 2020 she has been chairwoman of the academic working group (Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft) of the Leo Baeck Institute in Germany.
(ed. with Doerte Bischoff): Ausgeschlossen. Staatsbürgerschaft, Staatenlosigkeit und Exil (Exilforschung; 36). Edition text + kritik, München 2018.
(ed. with Simone Lässig): Space and Spatiality in Modern German-Jewish History (New German Historical Perspectives; 8). Berghahn, New York 2017.
Alltag und Gesellschaft (Perspektiven deutsch-jüdischer Geschichte, hrsg. von der Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo-Baeck-Instituts). Schöningh, Paderborn 2017.
(ed. with Uffa Jensen, Habbo Knoch, Daniel Morat): Gewalt und Gesellschaft. Klassiker modernen Denkens neu gelesen. Wallstein, Göttingen 2011.
(ed.): Praktiken der Differenz. Diasporakulturen in der Zeitgeschichte. Wallstein, Göttingen 2009.
Ehrensache. Jüdische Studentenverbindungen an deutschen Universitäten, 1886–1937. Wallstein, Göttingen 2008.
(ed. with Sabine Moller, Christel Trouvé): Abgeschlossene Kapitel? Zur Geschichte der Konzentrationslager und der NS-Prozesse. edition diskord, Tübingen 2002.
Articles and Book Chapters
Wem gehört die jüdische Geschichte? Zur Institutionalisierung jüdischer Zeitgeschichte in der Bundesrepublik, in: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 72 (2021), S. 365-384.
"Whose Heritage? – Early Postwar German-Jewish History as Remigrants History: The Case of Hamburg”, in: Jay Geller / Michael Meng (eds.), Rebuilding Jewish Life in Germany, Rutgers University Press 2020, p. 65-83.
Wie aus Deutschen Juden wurden. Staatsangehörigkeit von Jüdinnen und Juden in den 1930er Jahren, in: Alina Bothe / Gertrud Pickhan (Hg.), Die Ausbürgerungen deutscher Juden 1938 (Begleitband zur Ausstellung „Ausgewiesen!“), Berlin 2018, S. 54-63.
Jüdische Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum, in: Clio Guide. Ein Handbuch zu digitalen Ressourcen für die Geschichtswissenschaften, hrsg. von Laura Busse u.a. (Neuauflage 2017) [with Anna Menny and Björn Siegel], also accessible online:
Transnational Perspectives on Jewish and American-Jewish Studies, in: American Jewish History 101 (2017) 4, S. 535-556.
Legal Expertise and Biographical Experience. Statelessness, Migrants, and the Shaping of New Legal Knowledge in the Postwar World, in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 43 (2017), S. 438-465.
The Right to be Stateless: Dealing with Statelessness after World War II, in: Jahrbuch / Yearbook des Simon Dubnow Instituts XV (2016), S. 265-286.
Von der Offenheit der Geschichte: Der Umgang mit Staatenlosigkeit und die weltbürgerliche Idee, in: Bessere Welten, Kosmopolitismus in den Geschichtswissenschaften, Frankfurt a.M. 2017, S. 71-102.