- Areas
- Current Projects
- Weimar’s Republicans: German Jews in Democratic and Pacifist Organizations of the Interwar Period (1918 -1933)
- DFG-Project “Jewish Film Heritage”
- Max Brod’s Late Years (1939-1968): Departure into Exile
- Women’s Writing and Translating in Fin-de-Siècle Prague and the Bohemian Lands
- History of the German-Jewish Diaspora
- Dovid Eynhorn “Between Worlds”: A Transnational History of Yiddish-speaking Intellectuals
- EUMUS: European Minorities in Urban Spaces: Mutual Recognition, Social Inclusion and Sense of Belonging
- The Radical Right in Germany, 1945-2000
- Struggling with Justice: Antisemitism as a Judicial Challenge
- Pilot Project “Jewish Life in Potsdam”
- Jewish History online
- Hakhshara as a Place of Remembrance
- National Socialist Book Burnings 1933
- Jewish [hi]stories in the GDR
- ArchivedMemory online
- Traveling exhibition: Between fame and oblivion. Lea Deutsch: Child prodigy and Holocaust victim
- Emil Julius Gumbel Research Department
- Hilde Robinsohn-Guest Fellowship
- Previous Projects
Pilot Project “Jewish Life in Potsdam”
Outreach, Regional and Local History (Jewish Brandenburg)Researcher: Julia Kleinschmidt, Ingolf Seidel
The Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies is developing a pilot project on “Jewish Life in Potsdam” in cooperation with a Potsdam high school. In a six- to eight-hour project day, the students will learn about Jewish culture and religion as well as their Jewish environment. The local and regional history of Jewish life in Potsdam and Brandenburg will be explored through various sites and topics. The goal is to introduce the students to Jewish topics, which will be deepened and specialized in the coming years. At the same time, the media competence of the students will be promoted. Jewish history is not to be conveyed through the prism of National Socialist persecution, but rather as a German-Jewish history that spans centuries.
The content topics are tested in the classroom together with the high school and adapted to the needs of the students. The educational program developed as part of the pilot project will furtheron be applicable to other Brandenburg schools.