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- 2022
- First Week of the Fourth German-Israeli Archival Exchange Colloquium 2022/2023
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- Neue Staffel des Podcast „Jüdische Geschichte Kompakt“ zum Thema Thema „1945 – Eine lange Zäsur“
- Hilde Robinsohn-Guest Fellowship für europäisch-jüdische Studien am Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum (1-4 Monate)
- Call for Papers: 13th EAIS Annual Conference on Israel Studies, Potsdam (14-16 September 2025)
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First Week of the Fourth German-Israeli Archival Exchange Colloquium 2022/2023
From October 16 to 21, 2022, talented junior scholars are discussing the methodology and sources of their PhD projects while being acquainted with different archives on the local, federal and state level in Germany.
The German-Israeli Archival Exchange Colloquium (GIAEC ) consists of an academic workshop and is designed to help students to be effective in archival research. Moreover, it also encourages the participants to build up scholarly connections and helps to establish a German-Israeli academic network of the invited peers, representatives of local and foreign archives, and experienced scholars in Israel and Germany.
It is organized by the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies and the Institute for the History of the German Jews in Hamburg in cooperation with the Minerva Center for German Studies at Tel Aviv University. The GIAEC aims at talented junior scholars in the initial phase of their PhD-projects.
The colloquium will continue with a one-week stay in Israel from March 5-10, 2023.